
Cryptominer deployed by 8220 Gang exploiting Oracle WebLogic Server flaw

The Oracle WebLogic Server exposures allow cyberpunks to access unauthorized methods that are utilized for company data and applications. This can help threat actors get into external programs and full system management, therefore assuming admin rights. The end outcome is a breach of data, rejection of service attacks, or network propagation of malicious software, among other things.

Oracle WebLogic Servers are a high-value and broadly executed technology in associations, which makes them attractive targets for hazard actors who want to gain maximum results and financial returns. Cybersecurity critics at Broadcom just realized that the 8220 gangs have been actively manipulating the Oracle WebLogic server fault to deploy Cryptominer.

Oracle WebLogic Server flaw exploited by 8220 Gang

The 8220 Gang, a China-affiliated hazard group consisting of professional coders inspired primarily by economic gains, has been working fairly constantly since 2017. This exemplary threat actor has been infiltrating high-value entities that contain sectors designing cultured malware and manipulating vulnerabilities.

The continued attainment of their greatest goal—illicit economic gains—integrated with new techniques and non-detectable systems has lured the awareness of individuals all around the world and increased the ranks of security standards. Investigators stated that this hazard group is recognized for utilizing malware to abundance cryptocurrencies illegally. Its main emphasis is on Linux servers and cloud-based domains.

The group manipulates existing software faults and then tracks several strategies, tactics, and processes (TTPs) to intrude on systems and achieve a perspective sometimes. They later shift computational resources to perform remote cryptocurrency mining tasks by utilizing it stealthily.

The assaulters manipulated the following vulnerabilities in one of the current cyberattacks to insert a cryptocurrency miner:-

  • CVE-2017-3506
  • CVE-2023-21839  

For this to transpire, danger actors noted a PowerShell script that allowed them to covertly use the mining software on compromised devices by utilizing their system’s resources to abundance the digital money. The scripts written in PowerShell used a lot of encoding, and in the collection file, there was a unit of the code that further hid the existing code.

Due to the usage of environment variables, the assaulters were able to disguise the malicious functions, which the safety associations and software would not easily notice or detect. The self-contained disease method of the group affected handling most of the malware code instantly in the memory instead of on disk-storage resources, to bypass the detection.